As parents, we try our best to make sure that our kids are getting proper amounts of nutrition in their diets. This includes fruits, vegetables, and vitamins that are often met with disgusted faces and plugged noses, accompanied by a refusal to eat at the dinner table. If you’re lucky enough to have kids who aren’t super picky, then perhaps this isn’t a problem for you. But if your kids are team no-veggies, there are still a few things you can do to help them consume their fruits and veggies without getting them riled up or dealing with stubborn refusals.
Smoothies have long been looked to as a superhero at snack time, allowing us to hide nutrients in a sweet, creamy treat that kids are often more likely to enjoy. If you’re looking for new ways to introduce and incorporate nutrients into smoothies for your family, here are 5 of our favorite recipes to do so:
- Spinach, spinach, and more spinach.
Once blended up with other fruits, juices, or protein powders, spinach is practically undetectable. While it often turns a smoothie bright green, this can be altered by adding blueberries, strawberries, or another brightly-colored ingredient. Spinach is packed with vitamin E and magnesium, making it a great additive to support a healthy immune system.
- Seed blends.
You can purchase seed blends from the store or make your own to suit your family’s needs! Seed blends like this one can be blended into any smoothie and can be a great way to add fibers, proteins, and additional nutrients not found in fruits or veggies to your smoothies. While they tend to add some texture to a smoothie, they’re typically undetectable. Chia and flax seeds are especially good additions to any smoothie.
- Protein powder.
You’ll want to make sure that anything you use has been approved by your pediatrician or doctor, but protein powders are a great way to ensure that your kiddos are getting recommended amounts of protein in their diet. This can be especially helpful for kids in vegan or vegetarian families, with meat allergies, or with a general distaste for meat – as a main source of protein.
- Cinnamon.
Especially during the fall, cinnamon can add a unique flavor to smoothies. Some of our favorite recipes include fresh apples, cinnamon, and vanilla vegan protein powder. You can add almond milk, or your milk of choice, to create a delicious fall flavored treat that features fruits, fresh spices, peanut butter, or protein.
- Avocado.
When added to smoothies, avocado can offer a thick, creamy texture that feels a bit fluffier than your standard smoothie. Packed with healthy fats and vitamins, this can be a great additive for growing children, especially during chilly winter weather. For a frothy texture without any added taste, avocados are a no brainer.